Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Continuing stories (short)

In lieu of the normal Tuesday post, I offer here instead a brief list of a few stories from last week that are still current issues.

The economy is still a HUGE issue in the campaign. The candidates have not only stepped up their speeches on economic policies and financial fixes, but John McCain has suspended his campaign in order to return to Washington. His immediate goal is to help figure out how to support the failing economy, but with his first debate versus Obama on Friday, many people are suspicious of, shall I say, less noble motivation. He has asked that the debate be postponed, but Obama disagrees. Will the debate go on? It's up in the air at this point.

The candidates' efforts to reach out to the Latino population have not gone unnoticed. CNN reports that the Latino votes could become swing votes in Colorado, as well as a few other battleground states. Latino votes are quickly becoming more and more important.

The most recent update in the trooper investigation is that Sarah Palin's lawyer met with special counsel from the Personnel Board, which Palin touts as the only appropriate forum for inquiry. It has been stated by one of her campaign workers that she will cooperate with this investigation.

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