Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 2 wrap-up

Here are the top five issues from this week, according to articles from CNN, in no particular order:
  1. The race is becoming more vocally violent, with both Obama and McCain hurling bitter comments at each other.
  2. Joe Biden has been elbowed out of the spotlight, in the shadow of Sarah Palin.
  3. Sarah Palin's life as mayor and senator are being closely examined. Was she really acting in the best interests of her community?
  4. The McCain campaign accused Obama of using his 'lipstick on a pig' remark to attack Sarah Palin, and demanded an apology which Obama still refuses to give.
  5. With oil prices spiking because of Hurricane Ike, the public's eye is focused intently on the economy. How do candidates propose to stimulate the economy?
These are all interesting aspects of the campaign that I have read about, more or less, on CNN. For several of these items there are multiple articles, which highlight their importance.

That's all for now.. ~Catherine

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