Thursday, October 23, 2008

ACORN; Obama denounces McCain's political strategy

As the election draws near with only a couple weeks to go, the news is surprisingly free of any important and/or new business. ACORN is being investigated for possible voter registration fraud in 10 different states. McCain is accusing the organization of trying to rig the election in favor of Democrats since they registered more Dems than Republicans, but there is no indication that these fake voters would ever show up at the polls. The main reason for the voter registration fraud is for people to keep their jobs, which depend on finding and registering 13 to 20 new voters every day.

Obama is telling voters that McCain has resorted to making stuff up about him, and that McCain would continue the war in Iraq without regard to financial cost, which has been a contributing factor to the country's economic crisis. McCain is slamming Obama for downplaying his relationship with William Ayers. Instead of remarking upon Ayers' change of character and prevalence on the education scene, Obama flatly denied that Ayers was involved in his campaign and McCain has seized on it.

As I said, not much that's new here. There hasn't been any major development that I can tell since Powell endorsed Obama. One thing I did notice was CNN's continuing tendency to talk more from Obama's side than McCain's. In one of the articles I used for this blog, McCain is constantly on defense while Obama's points are clearly laid out. Although I am in favor of Obama at this point, the lack of coverage on McCain frustrates me.


Johnson, Sasha. " Obama: McCain would continue dangerous policies." 22 Oct 2008. CNN. 23 Oct 2008 <>.

Lawrence, Chris. " Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud." 22 Oct 2008. CNN. 23 Oct 2008 <>.

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