Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCain and the failed bailout bill

The House voted Monday on the $700 billion bailout deal, and failed to pass it. This loss has come as a big blow to John McCain, who made a huge deal of suspending his campaign to rally support for the package. What's extremely ironic in this situation is the fact that the majority of Democrats voted for the bill (140 for to 95 against) while most Republicans voted against it (165 against to 65 for). Looks like McCain's efforts to rally his fellow Republicans has failed miserably.

A CNN poll concluded that, before the bailout bill vote, McCain and Obama were tied in the polls, whereas now Obama has a lead of 5%.

Even those who thought McCain was doing the right thing by suspending his campaign to return to Washington are wondering now whether it was the right move or not. McCain put his trust in the bill, hoping to help America but also hoping to gain the credit for its success, but now that the bill has been shot down, it makes him look pretty weak.

Despite bias and framing, there's no denying these truths from CNN. There is actual evidence from the polls that McCain has lost some ground because of this affair. What will happen next with the bill?

Henry, Ed. " McCain takes hit from bailout collapse." 30 Sep 2008. CNN. 1 Oct 2008 <>.

Tanneeru, Manav. " Straight from the House's mouth: Why the bailout bill failed." 30 Sep 2008. CNN. 1 Oct 2008 <>.

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