Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama smacks McCain's health care policy

Sen. Barack Obama slams Sen. John McCain's economic policy at a rainy rally Tuesday in Chester, Pennsylvania. (CNN)

Today, Senator Barack Obama pounced on a comment about health care made by one of McCain's advisors. It's exactly the kind of thing he's been waiting for. Both candidates have made a point of using comments from their opponent to undermine their opponent himself, and this is the latest incident. Here's a bit from a CNN article:

In an interview with CNNMoney.com Tuesday, McCain's adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eaton, said that younger, healthier workers likely wouldn't abandon their company-sponsored plans under McCain's health care plan.

"Why would they leave?" said Holtz-Eakin. "What they are getting from their employer is way better than what they could get with the credit."

Obama seized on that comment, saying, "This is the point I've been making since Sen. McCain unveiled his plan. It took until the last seven days of this election for his campaign to finally admit the truth. But, better late than never.

The truth is, John McCain's health care plan is radical, it's unaffordable, it's not the change we need right now."

Obama used this comment as a platform for his own ideas. He believes McCain's health care credit is not what the country needs, that it will not heal the problems it was designed to fix. It's laughable to me that the McCain aide said what he did; was it pre-planned, or a spontaneous goof-up? Either way, he should have realized that Obama would use it.

Keck, Kristi. " Obama takes swipe at McCain adviser's health care comment." CNN.com. 28 Oct 2008. CNN. 28 Nov 2008 <http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/28/campaign.wrap/index.html>.

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