Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 7 wrap-up

This past week:
Colin Powell publicly endorses Obama.
ACORN is being investigated for voter registration fraud in 10 states.

Since my Thursday post, some interesting articles have come up on CNN.

  • President Bush has made an effort to stay out of the public eye in this campaign. His approval rating of 27% is extremely low, and he hopes to avoid further damage to his image by providing the candidates with more campaign material. Since Obama has been constantly working to portray McCain as another Bush, it would look very bad for the two of them to be seen together much at all. At a conference in the Cabinet, McCain and Obama sat at opposite President Bush at a long table in order to prevent images of either candidate sitting next to him, which could later be used in campaign ads. (CNN)
  • There seems to be a good deal of unrest in the McCain campaign. Sarah Palin has publicly disagreed with McCain on several policies, going off-message multiple times against the advice of her aides. CNN's article included statements from aides of each campaign. Her own aides said that Palin is trying to take more control of her message. A McCain aide said that she takes no advice from anyone, and that she is acting solely in her own interests rather than the interests of her party and McCain himself.
  • Bill Clinton will be campaigning with Barack Obama for the first time this Wednesday. His wife Hillary has already done so. Bill predicts that Obama will win easily in the election, and says that McCain is trying to separate himself from Bush even though McCain supported him for the majority of his time in office.

Bash, Dana. " Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says." 26 Oct 2008. CNN. 26 Oct 2008 <>.

Diakides, Tasha. " Bill Clinton to campaign with Obama in Florida." 25 Oct 2008. CNN. 26 Oct 2008 <>.

Quijano, Elaine. " Bush on campaign trail: Out of sight but not out of mind." 24 Oct 2008. CNN. 25 Oct 2008 <>.

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