Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fire on the campaign trail

The campaigns of Obama and McCain have become increasingly vehement. Both candidates are fighting dirty, despite their promise to keep their rhetoric clean. Palin and a McCain ad have been focusing on Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, which is by now an old, weak point to make. Obama was 8 when Ayers participated in Weather Underground, and their only relationship was in working together on a fundraiser for a school improvement project.

In the meantime, the language used by McCain's crowd has turned nasty. Someone shouted "Kill him! (Obama)" at a McCain rally, and people continue to condemn him for being a Muslim (which he is not). McCain has made a point to correct these people, however, telling one woman who called Obama an Arab that he's not, that he's a decent family man that he (McCain) just happens to disagree with on important issues.

Both candidates are fighting rumors, Obama concerning his ethnicity, qualifications to be president, his religion, and his association with less-than-reputable characters. McCain's campaign is fighting rumors mostly about Sarah Palin on her qualifications, her involvement in the trooper ordeal, and her true political party.

[posted late, on Oct. 21]

" Candidates dial back campaign rhetoric." CNN.com. 13 Oct 2008. CNN. 22 Oct 2008 <http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/13/blackwell.jackson.qa/index.html>.

Greene, Richard Allen. " Candidates hit back hard, fast against online attacks." CNN.com. 15 Oct 2008. CNN. 22 Oct 2008 <http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/15/internet.rumors/index.html>.

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