Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 5 wrap-up

The momentum now seems to be in Obama's favor. Before the debates, McCain's campaign had an overwhelming amount of the spotlight with his controversial pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, Palin's past has been heavily questioned, and the trooper investigation is STILL not complete. She has failed to hold her ground in the few interviews she has done, and has been continuously spoofed by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. McCain himself lost a considerable amount of credibility when he suspended his campaign to support the first bailout bill, which failed. A revised bill passed several days later, but did nothing to repair the damage done to McCain's image.

Since then, McCain has continued to lose ground to Obama, who is still gaining considerable support in the polls and has done well in the last debate.

The main questions now are:
  • Will McCain prove to the country that he will be a better leader, or will he continue to flatline in the polls?
  • Will Obama continue to gain a lead in the polls? Will misconceptions about his ethnicity and religion harm his potential?

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